something wrong ?

Is everything that doesn’t sit right with you wrong?

It’s obviously wrong according to you. But your perspective changes the truth of the situation.

Let me use the most cliché example, so everyone understands.

Is the glass half empty or half full?

Those who think they haven’t achieved what they could have focus on the empty part, while those happy with what they’ve achieved focus on the full part.

Then, there’s a minority who say, “I have a glass that’s half empty and half full.” They neither rejoice nor despair.

So, what’s the relation of this situation to right or wrong? There’s this absurd vertical line – the things you want, the things you expect, the things that make you happy are supposed to be right. Your truths.

If we could get to a genuine level, nobody really cares about others’ truths.

Are you proud of your empathy skills? I have some bad news for you; the validation of your empathy is still done according to your own truths. Thinking otherwise, claiming it’s not limited by your subjective truths, is quite difficult.

If you hold a “wrong” opinion on an issue, wouldn’t the validation of your empathy also lead to a “wrong” door?

Here comes the funniest part, right and wrong are quite relative.

Therefore, if you think something in your life has gone wrong, don’t sweat it too much. If everything had gone right, you probably would have had a much bigger problem that you’re not even aware of yet.

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