Valentine’s day, you know.
While I was buying a Tom Ford brand perfume for myself on February 13, I took advantage of the February 14 discount.
The execution day for Bishop Valentine, who was convicted 1752 years ago for secretly marrying Roman soldiers despite the ban.
Probably because the execution calendar of the Roman emperor was complete, only February 14 was given a day.
Considering this matter, the day this bishop was executed 1700 years ago is reflected in Tom Ford’s discount today, which makes me think.
As the day of someone’s execution approaches, people anticipate a gift from their partner.
As far as I can remember, no one else celebrated in this way because his head was cut off, except for Valentine.
I think it would not be wrong to describe this as a fruit of the love of “Marketing” and “Capitalism.”
His love for the blind girl who brought him food and water while Bishop Valentine awaited his execution after being imprisoned was probably due to excessive testosterone.
I want to continue this article, but the subject will change and shift to “Relations.” Let’s leave that for another post.